Monday, September 12, 2016


Once, I was very kind. Then, I found it doesn't work for my life.

Tremendously sad.

Thanks the life for taught me so much

It's time to do something for myself.

Thank you.

Saturday, May 7, 2016



谢谢生命中的过客, 让我更加了解自己是谁,自己所隐藏不知的优缺点。



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Unrevisable Moment

Something there is just happened and you know it is impossible to revise again. 

The feeling is strong.

Hurt and disappointment, rules over the emotion. 

So, you accept it, accept everything there is just happened. 

How awkward it is, after so many years, you've come to a stage where you can understand why other people define the story in such way. 

It is unrevisable.

The moment you break the innocent and grow as an adult.

Finally you understand so many things in such a short period. 

Behold and be who you are.

Don't cry.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


这世界一直提倡着男人本就应该gentle, 所以许多不是那么gentle的人为了能让自己融入这世界的标准而勉强了自己,造就了假意的gentle。 这些gentle是那么地生硬,那么地乏味,那么地尴尬,那么地勉强,那么地格格不入,让人着实不舒服。