Recently I found that in fact there are many SDO player around me. These really surprising me sometime as I can find them to be my opponents so that I wont be so lonely close myself in a room. SDO stands for Super Dancer Online which is a game to train your nerve connection between your eyes and your hands. If you think your "connection" is not very well, I have to apologize that this game may not suitable for you. haha... But if you can pay your passion in this game even your "connection" is poor, then it just consider as a small case.

I play this game 4 years ago since 2006 when I was still involved in Diploma in Quantity Surveying. In that period, I almost play it everyday seem like addicted to drug so my study get affected. I still remember my best result reach to B only, that is my Account subject. Perhaps I really childish on that time even now, doesn't think of my future and just wasting my time and parents money.

The most crazy things I'd done was I drove my car alone to cyber-cafe in 11pm because of SDO. Even next day have to attend morning class on 8am but I still stay around 2am. You know why? Because I want to win a badge in SDO competition to prove myself that I am pro and let others envy me. Hahaha~ Felt idiot now... @@ That competition is very limited to player, if you can't access the competition channel before the time it start then you have to wait more 2 hours for the next. So that's why I'm so crazy. hahaha... The badge is not easy to obtain, you have to beat another 5 players that are almost same level as you but those who joined the competition almost can categorized as "pro" one. The only way to win is concentrate your mind and practice the skill more and more.

Finally I get 4 badges, maximum badges can get in competition is 12, all are according to horoscope's name and sign. Now the SDO-X is different, no more competition, according to what I know, the game administer company has changed.

If you are the one of player, please tell me. Arigadoh ^^
this game made me spend a lot of money =.=
haha, sure buy many baju izzit? lol~
before hvnt update i spend a lot already thn SDO suddenly shut down =.= my money all fly la, new version come out again spend money again~.~but now i didnt ply ordy ~.~
me too~ lol... I got spend some too on first version SDO but it shut down= = now i still got play by wearing the ugly baju~~ hahaha
now i cannot ply already because become noob =.= and computer really lag always dc one =.= sienzzzzz=.=
lol~ nvm, noob still can be train to be pro~ haha~ change computer XD nowadays very cheap one :P
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