Stressful this week
you know why?
Monday test, Wednesday test, Thursday test
assignment, exercises
mind burning, is totally have no mood to update my mildewed blog
*deng deng deng deng*latest news about Mr Jasper
my close partner in law now--->
C really so funny and 'three eight' :P
Attention please! I AM NOT A PLAYBOY OK? REMEMBER YA ^^After break up with H, I am depressed
I admit that I had done so many wrong decision but in fact I just want the love
No longer, we break up peacefully perhaps one of the reason is long distance
you know, it is a challenge, a challenge of trust
I failed when facing those challenges
H, thank you so much, you made me grow and more mature in love :D
I just want to remind reader that it is my story, something you may doesn't know
judge me after understand me fully, thank you :)
I belongs to C and C belongs to me
A new story begins....
Please bless us...

I know I look like sissy in this pictures
but unfortunately I'm not a sissy, haha~ blerk~ :P